Vino Wine

Creating a Visual Symphony for Vino Wine: A Speculative Organic Social Media Campaign
Vino Wine

Social media management

Organic social media

Organic content creation

Content creation

AI Content creation.

January 2024
Vino Wine


We created an exciting social media campaign for Vino Wine's rosé that showcased the brand's unique style. The campaign was an exploration of aesthetic visuals and strategic content tailored to resonate across Facebook and Instagram. We created this project with the idea that a small business can utilize it in a content calendar and as a basis for future Google ads.

Crafting a Color Palette that Echoes the Brand

In the world of wine, presentation is as important as taste. For Vino Wine, the choice of a tan, pink, and baby blue colour scheme was more than a stylistic preference—it was a narrative device. These colours, reflecting the hues of Vino Wine's rosé, created a visual identity that was instantly recognisable and deeply connected to the brand's product.

The Art of Organic Social Media Content

At the heart of the campaign was the creation of organic content and coming up with content ideas. Recognising the power of organic social media, we developed posts that were not just visually appealing but also engaging and shareable. The content was designed to foster a natural connection with the audience, emphasising the brand's values of communication and story.

Engaging the Audience on Facebook and Instagram

The choice of Facebook and Instagram as the primary platforms was strategic. These platforms, known for their visual-centric audience, were ideal for showcasing the high-quality imagery of Vino Wine. The campaign employed tactics tailored for each platform, understanding that what works on Facebook may differ from what resonates on Instagram.

Conclusion: A Toast to Organic Engagement

The Vino Wine campaign is a testament to the effectiveness of organic social media marketing and a solid digital marketing strategy. By aligning aesthetic visuals, strategic content creation, and forward-thinking, Leadbytez helped Vino Wine not only to showcase their product but also to create a lasting impression on their audience.

If you're looking for a digital marketing agency or digital marketing consultant in Perth who can create social content for your brand, contact us.

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At Leadbytez, we understand that the key to successful creative solutions starts with understanding the problem at hand. That's why we take the time to fully understand our clients' needs, goals, and target audience before diving into the creative process.